2012 National Food Safety Awareness Week series of events - food quality and safety, science and publicity held by ASAG

Sponsored by the State Administration of Grain and undertaken by Standard Quality Center of the State Administration of Grain and ASAG, the National Food Safety Awareness Week series of events - food quality and safety, science and publicity was held on June 18, 2012.  Du Zheng, Dean of ASAG, and Tang Ruiming, Director of Standard Quality Center of the State Administration of Grain attended the event, the comrades of the relevant units in the food system and the surrounding public also took part in the activity.
A popular science lectures about “Food quality and safety: hazards and control of mycotoxins" was organized in the multi-purpose hall of ASAG. Tang Ruiming, Director of Standard Quality Center of the State Administration of Grain, Professor Zhu Zhiguang, Dr. Wang Songxue, and Dr. Sun ChangPo carried out a science introduction Q & A about the production of toxins, hazard detection, risk assessment and limited standard, cut processing technology etc.

Through this event, the public got a well known about generation conditions of fungi and mycotoxins, hazardous properties, national policy and technical level for food fungal toxin monitoring and control, and have a correct understanding of mycotoxin contamination of food which enhances confidence of our food mycotoxins contamination control in food safety.